CISD Surveys

Your Opinion Matters! Take Our Online Surveys
Posted on 11/30/2020
Online Survey

Community Survey - Nov. 30th

The CISD Superintendent is looking at the possibility of returning to school in January 2021 with the HYBRID model and wants your feedback before making this decision for the District.

Student Survey - November 2020

CISD Students, please let us know about your classes and your opinion about remote learning, hybrid, and in-person school.

Internet Connectivity Survey - October 2020

CISD Community, please let us know how you are connecting to the internet and how well it is working for you.:

Remote Learning vs. Hybrid

CISD Community, please share your opinion on staying in remote learning or moving to hybrid learning:

Navajo Nation Department of Dine Education Survey

The Navajo Nation Department of Dine Education is asking parents to take this survey to share their experience with online/distance learning by September 10th:

Internet Access Survey

CISD Families: please take this survey regarding Internet Access to help us better serve your students

Johnson O'Malley Survey

CISD Native American families please take the Johnson O'Malley survey at Johnson O'Malley funds are specific to Native American students.

Phone: (575) 289-3211   Fax: (575) 289-3314